The Finals Weapon Tier List: Best Weapons (April 2024)

Gear up for victory in this newly launched epic FPS with our The Finals weapon tier list, guiding you to the best weapons for every skirmish.

The Finals” offers a thrilling array of 17 distinct weapons, each suited for different combat scenarios and player preferences.

From the precision of semi-automatic rifles to the brute force of heavy machine guns, choosing the right weapon is key to dominating in this fast-paced game.

Our tier list categorizes these weapons from the unparalleled S tier to the more situational D tier, helping you make strategic picks for your battles.

Note: We have ranked all The Finals weapons for all the classes (Light, Medium, Heavy), and added them to our ranks, so for example in our S tier you will see the best guns for their respective classes.

January 18, 2024: We have made changes to our The Finals tier list

Tier S – Best The Finals Weapons

Best The Finals weapons

Tier S includes the best weapons in The Finals. These are the most powerful and versatile weapons in the game, making them the go-to choices for players seeking to maximize their impact in every match.

  • V9S
  • XP-54
  • M11
  • FCAR
  • SA1216
  • Throwing Knives*

*If your aim is on point and you’re skilled with them, Throwing Knives are easily A or S tier in the current meta, otherwise, they can be ranked lower.

Tier A

Good The Finals Weapons

Weapons in Tier A are strong and reliable, capable of turning the tide in various combat situations. They may not have the raw power of S-tier weapons, but they are great assets to any player.

  • AKM
  • LH1
  • R.357
  • SR-84

Tier B

Tier B The Finals Weapons

Tier B weapons offer a balanced mix of strengths and weaknesses. While they may not excel in every scenario, their versatility makes them solid choices for adaptive strategies.

  • .30-06 Sniper
  • Sword
  • Repeater
  • Sawed-off Shotgun
  • MGL32

Tier C

Tier C Weapons

Tier C includes The Finals weapons that only shine in specific conditions. They might lack the overall power or versatility of higher-tier weapons but can be effective in the right hands.

  • Dagger
  • Pump-Action GL
  • Sledgehammer
  • Flamethrower

Tier D

Tier D Weapons

Tier D features weapons that, while not the weakest, require a more strategic approach and understanding to be utilized effectively.

  • Riot Shield
  • M60
  • Lewis Gun

Tips for Mastering Weapons in The Finals

Now that we are done with our The Finals weapon tier list, let’s check out some tips to help you improve your gameplay:

  • Understand Weapon Builds: Familiarize yourself with each weapon’s build and how it fits into your playstyle.
  • Adapt to Combat Scenarios: Choose weapons based on the specific challenges of each match and the map layout.
  • Experiment with Different Weapons: Don’t hesitate to try various weapons to find your best fit.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Spend time mastering your preferred weapons to fully utilize their capabilities.

The Finals Weapon Tier List: Final Words

Our The Finals tier list is designed to enhance your gameplay strategy and weapon selection.

Remember, choosing the right weapon can significantly impact your performance in the game.

But weapons aren’t the only items you need to pay special attention to, in fact, gadgets are also quite helpful and important in this game, so make sure you also read our tier list for The Best Gadgets in The Finals.

Check out more similar guides:

The Finals Weapon Tier List: FAQ

How was our The Finals weapon tier list created?

To create our weapon tier list for “The Finals,” we combined a variety of insights and data.

This included valuable input from players who have experienced the game firsthand, as well as in-depth analysis from content creators who specialize in “The Finals.”

We particularly drew from the expertise of l3l Nova and BloodThirstyLord.

Their comprehensive gameplay reviews and strategic discussions were instrumental in shaping our understanding of each weapon’s strengths and weaknesses in different combat scenarios.

Also special thanks to The Finals wiki for the images we used in our ranks.

Can the tier list change over time?

Yes, the tier list is subject to change with game updates, the introduction of new weapons, or shifts in the game’s meta. We aim to keep our tier list updated to reflect the latest changes in “The Finals.”

How should players use this tier list?

Players should use the tier list as a guide to understand the effectiveness of each weapon in various gameplay situations. It can help in making strategic decisions about weapon selection based on individual playstyle and the demands of each match.

Are lower-tier weapons still viable?

While lower-tier weapons might not be as inherently powerful as those in higher tiers, they can still be viable when used strategically. Understanding their unique functionalities and how they can be employed effectively in different scenarios is key to leveraging their potential in the game.

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About Stephen

Stephen - Meta Tier ListStephen has immersed himself in the world of gaming for over 20 years, starting his journey in the 90s with SEGA consoles. With a passion for hack and slash action RPG games, he finds himself drawn to titles like Torchlight, Grim Dawn, and Path of Exile. Stephen's love for FPS games is equally strong, as he honed his skills starting with the legendary CS 1.6 and continues to dominate in CS:GO. Destiny 2 has also captured his heart, with an impressive 1,000 hours invested in each of these games (yes, each!). When he's not slaying virtual monsters or leading his team to victory, you can find Stephen exploring the latest gaming trends and sharing his insights with fellow gamers.

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