Helldivers 2 Weapon Tier List: Best Weapons Ranked

Democracy isn’t always pretty. Gear up and descend into the chaotic battlefields with the best guns using our Helldivers 2 weapon tier list.

The best way to spread freedom is overwhelming firepower, and choosing the right weapon is essential!

Helldivers 2 throws you into a relentless war against alien hordes. Having the right tools for the job makes the difference between a glorious victory and a messy demise.

This Helldivers 2 weapon tier list will help you understand the arsenal at your disposal, from top-tier powerhouses to niche picks.

Helldivers 2 Weapon Tier List

  • S-Tier: The cream of the crop, these are the best Helldivers 2 weapons that offer unmatched power and versatility.
  • A-Tier: Excellent choices, reliable in most situations.
  • B-Tier: Solid performers, but may have situational weaknesses.
  • C-Tier: Usable, but outperformed by higher-tier options.
  • D-Tier: Only effective in early-game or with very specific strategies.

Tier S – Best Helldivers 2 Weapons

Best Helldivers 2 Weapons
  • SG-225 Breaker Shotgun
  • AR-23 Liberator Assault Rifle
  • PLAS-1 Scorcher

Tier A Weapons

Tier A Helldivers 2 weapons
  • SMG-37 Defender Submachine Gun
  • R-63 Diligence Marksman Rifle
  • SG-8 Punisher Shotgun
  • AR-23P Liberator Penetrator Assault Rifle
  • SG-8s Slugger Shotgun

Tier B Weapons

  • AR-23E Liberator Explosive Assault Rile
  • P-4 Senator Pistol
  • SG-2251E Breaker Incendiary Shotgun
  • R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper Marksman Rifle

Tier C Weapons

  • MP-98 Knight
  • Las-5 Scythe Energy Based Gun
  • SG-225SP Breaker Spray & Pray Shotgun

Tier D Weapons

  • P-19 Redeemer Pistol
  • P-2 Peacemaker Pistol
  • Jar-5 Dominator Explosive

Tips for Weapon Selection

  • Mission Type: Consider the objective. Exterminations benefit from crowd control, while Assassination missions might demand single-target damage.
  • Difficulty: On higher difficulties, survivability matters. Support weapons become more valuable, and enemy armor makes piercing weapons crucial.
  • Team Composition: Coordinate with your squad! Avoid doubling up on weapon types, and ensure you have a mix of anti-tank, crowd control, and utility.
  • Playstyle: If you love the feel of a weapon, go for it! Skill can often overcome tier list differences.

Helldivers 2 Weapon Tier List: Final Words

This HD2 weapon tier list offers a snapshot of Helldivers 2’s dynamic weapon balance. Don’t be afraid to experiment, discover your favorites, and adapt to whatever challenges the Super Earth throws your way.

Remember, Helldiver, the most powerful weapon in your arsenal is your strategic mind and the unwavering camaraderie of your squad.

Now get out there and show those bugs what democracy tastes like!

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Helldivers 2 Weapon Tier List – FAQ

Are tier lists subjective?

Yes! Tiers are influenced by community consensus, meta shifts, and individual playstyles. Use them as a guide, not a rulebook.

Can lower-tier weapons be good?

Absolutely! Skill, map knowledge, and creative loadout choices can make even seemingly weaker weapons shine.

Will patches change the tier list?

Definitely! Balance patches can shake up the meta. Stay updated on changes and adapt your loadouts accordingly.

What weapons are best for beginners?

Focus on forgiving primaries like the MG-94 or LAS-98. Support stratagems like Autoinjectors help survivability.

Should I focus on the highest-tier weapon?

Not always. Your preferred playstyle matters more. If you love the minigun’s heavy firepower, don’t force yourself to use the Railgun just because it’s S-Tier.

Is it fun to experiment outside the Helldivers 2 tier list?

Absolutely! Helldivers 2 rewards creativity. Finding success with an “underdog” loadout feels amazing!

How was this Helldivers 2 weapon tier list created?

We have evaluated the current meta, and player feedback and opinions on the best weapons in the game, and came up with these rankings. Also thanks to the Helldivers 2 wiki and Arrowhead Game Studios for the images used in the article.

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About Stephen

Stephen - Meta Tier ListStephen has immersed himself in the world of gaming for over 20 years, starting his journey in the 90s with SEGA consoles. With a passion for hack and slash action RPG games, he finds himself drawn to titles like Torchlight, Grim Dawn, and Path of Exile. Stephen's love for FPS games is equally strong, as he honed his skills starting with the legendary CS 1.6 and continues to dominate in CS:GO. Destiny 2 has also captured his heart, with an impressive 1,000 hours invested in each of these games (yes, each!). When he's not slaying virtual monsters or leading his team to victory, you can find Stephen exploring the latest gaming trends and sharing his insights with fellow gamers.

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