SOULS Tier List (Habby): Best Characters (April 2024)

In the game “Souls” by Habby, a big problem has happened on an old, broken-up continent. The world is now full of darkness, and it’s up to over 60 heroes to fix things. Each hero is special and has cool skills to fight against the bad forces. But who are the best heroes to choose? Our Souls tier list (Habby) is here to show you the best heroes who can help win the battles.

In “Souls,” you enter a cool-looking world where you fight the darkness on a special kind of battlefield. Each hero you add to your team makes your game plan even better, helping you win the fights.

The game challenges you to use your heroes’ skills smartly to beat the bad guys. Our SOULS tier list helps you pick a strong team of heroes that can help you win a lot.

October 2nd, 2023: We have made changes to our SOULS tier list.

S Tier – Best SOULS Characters

Best SOULS Characters
Hero Image Source: HABBY (Modified by MetaTierList)

The best SOULS heroes reside here in the S Rank. The heroes within this tier are nothing short of legendary, with abilities that can turn the tide of battle, ensuring victory even when defeat seems imminent.

  • Benzel
  • Kaion
  • Dolucos
  • Aolmond
  • Dextor
  • LuLu
  • Fleta
  • Lilith
  • Richelle
  • Odelia

A Tier

Tier A SOULS Habby Heroes
Hero Image Source: HABBY (Modified by MetaTierList)

The A-tier heroes are the epitome of excellence. Their prowess on the battlefield is remarkable, providing a solid foundation for your strategies to thwart the nefarious foes.

  • Carmen
  • Babu
  • Zagrako
  • Taros
  • Milia
  • Solina
  • Nuel
  • Bahzam
  • Sol
  • Ulion
  • Abala
  • Void
  • Ash

B Tier

Tier B SOUL Units
Hero Image Source: HABBY (Modified by MetaTierList)

The SOULS (Habby) heroes in B Rank are well-balanced combatants. They offer a harmonious blend of offensive and defensive capabilities, ensuring a steady progression through the adversarial tides.

  • Ken
  • Olga
  • Calix
  • Sander
  • Olia
  • Rakan
  • Lagou
  • Harfa
  • Zenon
  • Idina
  • Navia

C Tier

Tier C SOUL Units
Hero Image Source: HABBY (Modified by MetaTierList)

In the C-tier, we find average SOULS units that are adept and reliable. While they may not possess the awe-inspiring powers of higher-tier heroes, they hold their ground firmly, making them a worthy addition to your roster.

  • Naru
  • Aruru
  • Tanya
  • Telfer
  • Galan
  • Fiona

D Tier

Tier D SOULS Units
Hero Image Source: HABBY (Modified by MetaTierList)

In the final rank, we have the weakest SOULS characters in the game right now (in our opinion). But With the right strategy and support from other heroes, they can contribute to the cause, proving that every bit of valor counts.

  • Paru
  • Amanda
  • Thomas
  • Denver

SOULS Habby Tips

Now that you’ve gone through the SOULS tier list, it’s time to dive into some handy tips for playing SOULS. These suggestions will help you make the most out of your heroes and win more battles. Let’s get started!

  • Hero Synergy: Explore different hero combinations to find synergies that amplify your battle prowess.
  • Continuous Learning: Engage with the community, share your strategies, and learn from the experiences of fellow players.
  • Experimentation: Don’t hesitate to experiment with different hero rankings and formations. Victory in Souls often comes to those who think outside the box.

SOULS Tier List – Final Words

The Souls tier list is a beacon for those seeking to assemble a robust battalion capable of pushing back the dark forces.

As you dive into the epic narrative, may your strategies resonate with the valor of your heroes, and may the echos of triumph grace your adventurous heart.

Unveil the potential of your heroes, for the realms of Souls, beckon the shrewd and the valiant. The path is laden with peril, but with the right heroes by your side, no shadow shall obscure your way to victory.

Check out related tier lists for gacha games:

Souls (Habby) Tier List – FAQ

How often is the Souls tier list (Habby) updated?

The SOULS tier list is updated regularly to reflect new hero additions, game updates, and shifting meta dynamics to provide players with the latest insights.

What factors contribute to the ranking of heroes in the tier list?

Rankings are determined by hero abilities, their performance in various game scenarios, community feedback, and analysis from seasoned players and reputable game analysts. Special thanks to content creators such as iPICK for extra insight into these characters and the Souls (Happy) players for their suggestions and feedback.

Where can I find more strategies or hero combinations for Souls?

Community forums, discussion threads on platforms like Reddit, and content created by players on YouTube or gaming platforms are great resources for strategies and hero combinations.

How do I unlock more heroes in Souls?

Unlocking heroes can be achieved through gameplay progression, in-game purchases, or participating in special events and challenges within the game.

Can I contribute my insights or suggestions for the Habby SOULS tier list?

Absolutely! Community input is invaluable and you can contribute by participating in discussions below.

How does the tier list account for different playstyles?

The tier list aims to provide a balanced overview of hero rankings while considering various playstyles. However, personal preferences and game strategies could lead to different experiences with the listed rankings.

Is there a way to test heroes before committing resources to them?

It depends on the game’s features. Some games offer testing arenas or similar features to try out heroes. It’s advisable to check the game’s resources or consult the community for such information.

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About Mony

Mony - Meta Tier ListMony is a dedicated gamer with a penchant for adorable mobile games. She finds joy and entertainment in playing cute gacha games that bring a smile to her face. With a collection of beloved characters and an eye for charming aesthetics, Mony delves into virtual worlds filled with whimsy and delight. Join her as she embarks on enchanting adventures and embraces the irresistible allure of these endearing mobile games, while also writing about them.

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