Outerplane Tier List (April 2024) – Best Characters Ranked

Welcome to the Outerplane tier list, where we will rank the best characters in the game based on their abilities, usefulness in battles, and overall performance.

Outerplane is a gacha RPG game that offers strategic battles, dynamic action, stunning 3D artwork, and epic stories.

As with most gacha games, character selection is a crucial aspect of the game, and having the best characters on your team can make a significant difference in your ability to progress through the game’s content.

In this tier list, we’ll be ranking the best Outerplane characters into five different tiers, from S to D, based on their power and versatility in clearing content.

While you’re here, you can also take a look at our other guides such as Yggdrasil 2 Awakening tier list, Higan Eruthyll tier list, Crusaders Quest tier list, and Demian Saga tier list.

June 12, 2023: We have updated our Outerplane tier list.

Tier S Outerplane Characters

Best Outerplane characters

In this tier, we have ranked the best Outerplane characters that are crucial to have in your team. These characters have powerful abilities and can easily turn the tide of the battle in your favor. With their unique skills and impressive stats, these characters can help you take on even the toughest bosses in the game.

  • Veronica
  • Valentine
  • Saeran
  • Noa
  • Eliza
  • Dolly

Tier A Outerplane Characters

Tier A Outerplane Characters

In this tier, we have listed more great Outerplane heroes that you should use in your team. While they might not be as powerful as the S tier characters, they still offer great utility in battles and can contribute significantly to your team’s success.

  • Snow
  • Alice
  • Rhona
  • Francesca
  • Leo
  • Maxwell
  • Vera
  • Alpha
  • Laplace
  • Cindy

Tier B Outerplane Characters

Tier B Outerplane Characters

In this tier, we have ranked the characters that are decent but might not be as versatile or powerful as the higher-ranked characters. They can still be useful in some situations, but they might not be the most optimal choice for every battle.

  • Beth
  • Naru Kang
  • Shu
  • Eva
  • Marian
  • Philia
  • Tio
  • K

Tier C Outerplane Characters

Tier C Outerplane Characters

In this tier, we have listed the characters that are not as useful as the higher-ranked characters. While they might have some utility, their performance in battles is not as impressive as the characters in the higher tiers.

  • Tanya
  • Idith
  • Faenan
  • Laine
  • Kate
  • Adelie
  • Guizam
  • Fenrir
  • Flamberge
  • Pesketh

Tier D Outerplane Characters

Tier D Characters

In this tier, we have ranked the weakest characters in the game. These characters might have some use in certain situations, but their performance is overall not very impressive. It’s best to avoid using these characters if possible.

  • Parti
  • Yuri
  • Claire
  • Orox
  • Lily
  • Rico
  • Bleu

Outerplane Tips For Better Play

To help you navigate the world of Outerplane, we’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks to maximize your gameplay experience. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran, these tips will help you build a powerful team of goddesses and conquer the game’s challenges.

  • Consider building a team that has a balance of different types of characters, including damage dealers, healers, and support characters.
  • Pay attention to the synergies between characters, and try to build a team that works well together.
  • Always aim to level up your characters and improve their abilities to make them more powerful.

Final Words

Overall, Outerplane is an exciting and visually stunning game with a deep cast of characters to choose from.

With this tier list, we’ve aimed to provide guidance on which characters are the best in combat, strategic value, and overall usefulness, so you can build the strongest team possible.

However, keep in mind that this Outerplane tier list is subjective, and your own experience may differ depending on your playstyle and team composition.

As always, don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you. Good luck on your adventure in the otherworldly kingdom of Outerplane!


How was this tier list made?

This tier list for Outerplane was made by considering a character’s strength in combat, strategic value, and overall usefulness. We also consulted community feedback and considered expert opinions.

Will this tier list be updated?

Yes, we plan to update this Outerplane characters tier list as the game evolves and new characters are added.

Can I still use characters that are not in the S tier?

Yes, characters in lower tiers can still be useful in certain situations, and it’s always good to have a diverse team.

Are there any characters that are essential to have on my team?

It depends on the type of battle and your playstyle. However, characters in the S tier are generally considered to be essential to have in your team for most battles regardless of the content type.

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About Stephen

Stephen - Meta Tier ListStephen has immersed himself in the world of gaming for over 20 years, starting his journey in the 90s with SEGA consoles. With a passion for hack and slash action RPG games, he finds himself drawn to titles like Torchlight, Grim Dawn, and Path of Exile. Stephen's love for FPS games is equally strong, as he honed his skills starting with the legendary CS 1.6 and continues to dominate in CS:GO. Destiny 2 has also captured his heart, with an impressive 1,000 hours invested in each of these games (yes, each!). When he's not slaying virtual monsters or leading his team to victory, you can find Stephen exploring the latest gaming trends and sharing his insights with fellow gamers.

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