Project Mugetsu Clans Tier List (April 2024) – Best Clan Powers

Want to find out which are the best Project Mugetsu clan powers? Well then, you’re in the right spot, on this page you’ll find our Project Mugetsu clans tier list ranked from best to worst.

Project Mugetsu is a Roblox action game that takes its inspiration from the iconic anime and manga series, Bleach. Players can choose from over 20 clan powers and engage in thrilling battles across the spirit world.

From the devastatingly powerful to the decidedly mediocre, these powers can make or break a player’s experience.

Below we have ranked the best and worst clan powers in Project Mugetsu, starting with the S tier and working our way down to the D tier. Don’t forget to also check out our Project Mugetsu codes if you want some free rewards and also our Project Mugetsu Shikai tier list if you’re playing as a Soul Reaper.

August 2nd, 2023: We have just updated our Project Mugetsu tier list

Tier S Project Mugetsu Clan Powers

Tier S Project Mugetsu Clan Powers

The S-tier clan powers are the cream of the crop in Project Mugetsu. These powers are extremely powerful and can often turn the tide of battle in your favor. Whether you’re playing in the Soul Society or the Hueco Mundo, having one of these powers in your arsenal is an absolute must if you want to be competitive:

  • Yhwach
  • Urahara
  • Kurosaki
  • Zaraki
  • Aizen
  • Thomeaux

Tier A Project Mugetsu Clan Powers

Tier A Project Mugetsu Clan Powers

While not quite as powerful as the S tier, the A tier clan powers are still highly effective in their own right. These powers can be game-changers in the right situation and are definitely worth considering if you’re looking to level up your character.

  • Yamamoto
  • Cifer
  • Kuchiki
  • Uryu
  • Hitsugaya
  • Kyoraku

Tier B Project Mugetsu Clan Powers

Tier B Project Mugetsu Clan Powers

The B-tier clan powers are solid choices that can help you out in most situations. While not as powerful as the higher tiers, they’re still worth considering if you’re looking for reliable powers to add to your arsenal.

  • Jaegerjaquez
  • Shihoin
  • Unohana
  • Ichimaru
  • Hisagi

Tier C Project Mugetsu Clan Powers

Tier C Powers

The C-tier clan powers are average at best. While they can be useful in certain situations, they’re generally not recommended for serious play. However, they can be fun to experiment with, and can often lead to unexpected outcomes.

  • Valkyrie
  • Amagi
  • Hirako
  • Iba
  • Kira
  • Sarugaki
  • Ushoda

Tier D Project Mugetsu Clan Powers

Tier D Powers

The D rank in our Project Mugetsu clan tier list is for the weakest powers in the game. While they can be marginally effective in certain circumstances, they’re generally not worth investing your time or resources into. We recommend avoiding these powers if possible.

  • Muguruma
  • Kotetsu
  • Dokugamine
  • Inoue
  • Yukio
  • Sado
  • Tsukishima
  • Ginjo
  • Kutsuzawa
  • Shishigawara
  • Yadomaru

Project Mugetsu Tips

Here are some quick Project Mugetsu tips that may help you win more battles:

  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with different clan powers. You never know what might work for your playstyle.
  • Be mindful of your opponent’s powers and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • If you’re unsure which powers to spin for, do some research or ask other players for advice.

Project Mugetsu Tier List: Final Words

In conclusion, clan powers are a crucial part of Project Mugetsu. Whether you’re looking to dominate in PvP battles or simply want to add some new powers to your arsenal, there’s something for everyone in this game.

By following our Project Mugetsu clan tier list and tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top-tier player.

Don’t forget to bookmark this page and check it out again in the future when new updates to the game happen and see if we have updated our rankings.

Also, please keep in mind that our tier list is not going to be 100% accurate and also these rankings are just our opinion, and they may vary from yours.

Looking to check out other tier lists for popular Roblox games? Check out our Goofy Stands tier list, Shuudan Personality tier list, and ASTD tier list.

Project Mugetsu – FAQ

Q: How do I unlock new clan powers?

You can unlock new powers by leveling up your character and completing quests.

How was this Project Mugetsu clan tier list created?

We have taken feedback and checked various resources and analyzed the data and compiled it into this tier list. For example, we have checked Project Mugetsu Trello, and Discord, as well as YT videos from various players.

Will this Project Mugetsu tier list be updated?

Yes, we will update our tier list for Project Mugetsu clan powers when the game gets new updates.

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About Stephen

Stephen - Meta Tier ListStephen has immersed himself in the world of gaming for over 20 years, starting his journey in the 90s with SEGA consoles. With a passion for hack and slash action RPG games, he finds himself drawn to titles like Torchlight, Grim Dawn, and Path of Exile. Stephen's love for FPS games is equally strong, as he honed his skills starting with the legendary CS 1.6 and continues to dominate in CS:GO. Destiny 2 has also captured his heart, with an impressive 1,000 hours invested in each of these games (yes, each!). When he's not slaying virtual monsters or leading his team to victory, you can find Stephen exploring the latest gaming trends and sharing his insights with fellow gamers.

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