Valorant Tier List – Best Valorant Agents Ranked Meta (May 2024)

Are you looking for the latest Valorant tier list for 2024? Guess, what, you’ve come to the right place then because on this page you’re going to find our rankings of the best Valorant agents in this meta.

Valorant Tier List Ranking Meaning

Valorant Tier List Ranking Meaning
Image source: / Riot Games

S Tier – In our opinion these are the best Valorant agents in the game right now, and the overall ranked games winning stats proves this as well. They are very OP in skilled hands, so if you’re proficient with any one of these agents you’re going to dominate every ranked game.

A Tier – These are also excellent Valorant agents, that don’t require too much skill to win games. They are highly above average and can win you important rounds when you need them the most.

B Tier – While these agents may not have the best abilities, they can still be of use in all games especially if you’re good with your positioning and your overall game sense.

C Tier – While not the best Valorant agents, these characters are also not the worst. This means that while they do have some less than desired abilities they can be effectively used to win your games if you put a bit more work into your positioning, team play, and strats.

D Tier – In our opinion these are currently the worst agents in the game in this meta. Sure you can still win games with them, but the stats for ranked games in this patch clearly shows that players win the least games when they are using these agents.

Valorant Tier List 2024

January 4, 2023: We have updated our Valorant Tier List.
















How Did We Create This Valorant Tier List?

Valorant Tier List Ranking Criteria
Image source: / Riot Games

We think that doing a lot of research before publishing our tier lists is the best way to give players an accurate depiction of the current meta, that’s exactly what we have done when we created this Valorant tier list.

So, when it came time to rank the best agents in Valorant, first of all, we took our own experiences with the game into account. We’ve spent hundreds of hours playing through ranked games and now feel like we know a thing or two about which agents are best for tackling ranking up, especially if you’re doing it solo.

While personal opinion and playstyle are important factors in determining the best agents in Valorant, everyone has different tastes and preferences. As a result, many people have their own opinions on which agent is best to rank solo.

But that’s totally fine, in fact, you should play with whatever agent you feel the most comfortable and confident even if they are ranked lower on this Valorant tier list.

Still, our personal opinions can be biased so alongside that we have also researched what other Valorant players are using to effectively climb the ranked ladder from chats on the Valorant discord server and also from the Valorant Reddit community.

But we have also studied the win stats for ranked games in Valorant this current patch.

We have discovered that more or less the agents we have ranked the highest on our Valorant tier list, also have the biggest winning percentages.

This means that players are more likely to win their ranked games using an S or A tier agent than those who are using a B, C, or D tier one.

But this is only valid for this Valorant patch, so who knows maybe in the next patch Riot Games will nerf some of these agents or buff others and this list will be totally changed. If that happens we’ll make sure to update it as soon as possible.

In addition to all of that, if you feel like we have ranked an agent too high or too low on our Valorant Tier List, please let us know by leaving a comment down below. We appreciate your feedback!

Valorant Tier List: Best agents for this meta

Valorant best agents
Image source: / Riot Games

So to recap, here’s an overview of the Valorant Tier List, with only the very best agents listed:

S-Tier Valorant agents:

  • Chamber
  • Jett
  • Reyna
  • Sage

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A-Tier Valorant agents:

  • Brimstone
  • Omen
  • Raze
  • Sova
  • Viper

B-Tier Valorant agents:

  • Kayo
  • Killjoy
  • Neon
  • Skye
  • Fade

C-Tier Valorant agents:

  • Breach
  • Phoenix
  • Yoru

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Valorant Beginners Guide and Tips

Valorant beginner tips guide
Image source: / Riot Games

1. Understanding agent abilities

Each of the agents in Valorant has a specific set of abilities that are unique to them.

These abilities help define how each of the classes plays, and how they interact with other players. So it’s best you learn what each ability does and how you can use them effectively to secure the win for your team.

2. Pay attention to your surroundings

Pay attention to your surroundings. This is the most important part of the game.

You have to know who’s around you and what they’re doing. If there’s an enemy in front of you that hasn’t seen you, try to get behind them and use your knife. It’ll be faster than shooting them in the back, which will alert other players.

3. Practice your aim

In every FPS shooter such as Modern Warfare 2, aiming is a skill that you need to be very good at. It’s the same in Valorant as well, so practice your aim.

The first thing you should do when trying to improve your aim is to go into Practice mode and try to hit targets from different distances and angles. Don’t worry about how many hits you get – just focus on getting better at aiming in general.

The next step is to learn how to shoot while moving. Don’t worry too much about this – it’s not as difficult as it sounds! All you need to do is run towards the enemy and start shooting before you reach them (you don’t even need to stop).

Finally, try learning how to take cover behind objects like walls or crates. This is useful because it means that enemies won’t be able to see you right away, giving them less time to aim at you.

4. Always peek angles

The most important thing to learn in the early game is how to peek angles.

This means that when you’re entering a building, you need to know what angles are available for you to shoot from. If someone is trying to get behind you or if there’s an enemy player moving around in a room, knowing where they can be is crucial.

When you’re on offense, make sure that you’re always checking all of these angles as well.

If someone is coming up behind you and they see you first, it’s likely that they’ll win the fight because they have more information (they know where your teammates are).

5. Keep your ping down

Valorant is an online multiplayer game, so you should always try to play on a server that’s close to your location.

If you live in the United States, for example, then try playing on servers located in the United States or Canada. The closer your ping is to zero, the better!

6. Rushing is not always the answer

In Valorant, you can rush in and go for the kill. However, it is not recommended to do so.

The reason why you should not rush in is because of the enemy’s ability to dodge your attacks and thus, leave you open to attacks.

It is best to play safe and wait for your enemy to make mistakes then capitalize on them.

Takeaway: Valorant Tips For Beginners

Valorant is a tactical first-person shooter game and it takes some time to excel in it. But overall, it’s pretty easy to get the hang of and you should be able to learn how to play in an hour or two.

Don’t expect to become a pro player within a short amount of time; it takes some time to learn more about the game and how to make your character better but if you practice what we have talked about in this short Valorant beginner guide and tips, soon enough you will be a pro!

What is Valorant?

Valorant is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter developed and published by Riot Games, for Microsoft Windows.

Valorant was built from the ground up as a competitive shooter, with all the features you need to play at the top level of esports. It’s built on top of the Unreal Engine 5 and features a wide variety of weapons and agents that players can use to dominate games.

Commonly described as a hero shooter, Valorant’s gameplay incorporates tactical elements from various genres including battle royale, hero shooter, and strategy games into its fast-paced 5v5 online matches.

Valorant focuses on teamwork and communication, but also requires skill to be successful. With its simple controls, Valorant is easy to pick up and play, but it has enough depth to keep you coming back for more!

Valorant features:

  • Competitive and cooperative gameplay modes for 2-6 players
  • Several different game modes include Deathmatch, competitive Plant/Defuse, and more.
  • A player ranking system where players gain experience by winning ranked matches.
  • A wide variety of weapons to choose from including pistols, assault rifles, shotguns, and more
  • Unique abilities that allow players to manipulate their environment during combat in order to gain an advantage over their opponent

The game features a variety of weapons and agents each with unique abilities and capabilities. Choosing a good agent for solo ranking games is tricky and that is why we have created this Valorant tier list to feature the best agents in the game in this current meta.

Valorant has been out for over two years now but still receives regular updates from Riot Games including new content and features like seasonal events or new maps and modes

What do you think of our Valorant tier list? Do you agree with our best agents rankings? Let us know by giving it a rating or a comment down below!

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About Stephen

Stephen - Meta Tier ListStephen has immersed himself in the world of gaming for over 20 years, starting his journey in the 90s with SEGA consoles. With a passion for hack and slash action RPG games, he finds himself drawn to titles like Torchlight, Grim Dawn, and Path of Exile. Stephen's love for FPS games is equally strong, as he honed his skills starting with the legendary CS 1.6 and continues to dominate in CS:GO. Destiny 2 has also captured his heart, with an impressive 1,000 hours invested in each of these games (yes, each!). When he's not slaying virtual monsters or leading his team to victory, you can find Stephen exploring the latest gaming trends and sharing his insights with fellow gamers.

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