Infinite Lagrange Tier List (May 2024)

Are you looking for an Infinite Lagrange Tier List to create the best fleet? Well, you’re in luck because you’ve come to the right place.

Below you can find our Infinite Lagrange tier list where we rank the best ships in the game for the latest meta update.

Infinite Lagrange Tier List Ranking Meaning:

S Tier – These are pretty much the best ships in Infinite Lagrange as of the latest game meta. You can create a powerful fleet using any combination of these S-tier ships (and you can also substitute some with a few A-tier ones depending on the situation). Whenever you get your hands on one of these Infinite Lagrange ships make sure to hold onto them and upgrade them as much as possible. These ships are great in PVE as well as PVP.

A Tier – These Infinite Lagrange ships are pretty good and versatile and can be used in almost any game combat type. They can be used almost throughout the whole game and they can substitute some of the more powerful S-tier ships in your Infinite Lagrange fleet.

B Tier – Not the very best but also not totally useless. These Infinite Lagrange ships can still be useful in the right fleet combination and for specific games. Especially if you don’t have any of the more A or even S tier ships available. Since they are common to all players (F2P included), you can use them in the early stages of the game, but you should plan on upgrading to more powerful Infinite Lagrange ships when you get the chance.

C Tier – Well, your opinion might differ but we think that these ships are a bit useless in the current Infinite Lagrange meta. Sure they have some uses (albeit a bit limited), but if you’re just starting out and don’t have any other ships to play with, then yeah go ahead and use them 🙂

Infinite Lagrange Tier List 2024

Constantine the Great
Constantine the Great

Eternal Storm
Eternal Storm


Spear of Uranus
Spear of Uranus

Strixa 100
Strixa 100


Spore A404
Spore A404




Winged Hussar
Winged Hussar

Xeno Stinger
Xeno Stinger



Cellular Defender
Cellular Defender




Mare Serenitatis
Mare Serenitatis

RedBeast 7-13
RedBeast 7-13
Nebula Chaser
Nebula Chaser



Silent Assassin
Silent Assassin

Vitas A021
Vitas A021

Void Elfin
Void Elfin


B192 Newland
B192 Newland






Janbiya Aer410
Janbiya Aer410

Balancer Anderson SC020
Balancer Anderson SC020

Eris I
Eris I


Mare Nubium
Mare Nubium

Mare Tranquillitatis
Mare Tranquillitatis

Noma M470
Noma M470

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How Did We Create This Infinite Lagrange Tier List?

We strive to do a ton of research every time we compile our tier lists for all the games that we enjoy playing, so we did the same when we created this Infinite Lagrange tier list.

But we don’t just take our play style and experience into account, we also go and hunt for reviews and feedback on places such as Reddit, Facebook, official forums, and also inspect some of the best players in the game currently.

The only thing you should keep in mind is that we have developed this Infinite Lagrange tier list focusing more on late stages and the end game.

But with that being said, this is only our opinion and some players might have a totally different idea on what are the best Infinite Lagrange ships.

As gamers our play styles are most of the time not identical to one another, so we have our own different ways of playing the game and building our Infinite Lagrange fleet.

We’re happy to hear your opinion and any tips that you might have regarding this tier list in the comments down below.

💻 Play Infinite Lagrange On PC

Infinite Lagrange Best Ships

Here is a recap and short list of what we think are the best Infinite Lagrange ships.

Infinite Lagrange S-Tier Ships:

  • Constantine the Great
  • Eternal Storm
  • Io
  • Spear of Uranus
  • Strixa 100
  • Taurus

Infinite Lagrange A-Tier Ships:

  • Ruby
  • Spore A404
  • Stingray
  • Tundra
  • Vitas-B010
  • Winged Hussar
  • XenoStinger
  • Callisto
  • Cas066
  • Cellular Defender
  • Chimera
  • CV3000
  • Guardian
  • Mare Serenitatis
  • RedBeast 7-13

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Infinite Lagrange Tips

Your Role Matters

Depending on the role that you choose (leader of the enterprise, head of the fleet or commander of the legion), you will have different ways to support your ships and the crew.

Focus on Defense

Even if you’re not going aggressive and attacking other bases, some players might still attack your base even more so if you’re offline and not immediately ready to defend it.

So because of that, you should focus a lot on building up your base defenses to be ready to sustain any attack from others.

The first couple of days after you begin playing Infinite Lagrange are pretty important because that’s when you get a free pace shield that keeps your base safe from being attacked by other players.

This is the time when you need to build and develop your base as much as you can.

Join an Alliance

In pretty much any game of this nature, you should try to join other players and form some allies. Well, Infinite Lagrange is no different, and so you should be on the lookout for an active alliance that you can join.

Infinite Lagrange alliances are pretty significant to the overall gameplay because your allies can help protect your base when you’re offline, and often times other players that might want to attack your base will have to think and calculate if it’s really worth the risk of attacking you after all (knowing that your allies will have your back).

Not only that, but by joining an alliance you will also get access to some pretty cool and useful benefits and features.

Mine a Lot

And lastly, you want to mine the heck out of everything. Metal, deuterium, and pretty much any other resource that you can get and stash away.

You will need a ton of resources to get and upgrade ships especially if you want to play with some of the best Infinite Lagrange ships and create a powerful fleet.

What is Infinite Lagrange?

Infinite Lagrange is an online real-time strategy game developed and published by NetEase and released on June 2, 2021. The game can be downloaded and played for free on Android, iOS, and Windows.

Good Variety of Ships 

Infinite Lagrange has a nice amount of ships available to play with and create a great fleet. There are over 40 ships currently in the game and more are being added through the numerous game updates that NetEase provides.

How to beat Infinite Lagrange?

The whole goal of the game is to try and build a great base that can’t be defeated by an attack from another player while also putting together some of the best Infinite Lagrange ships to create an impressive fleet that can dominate the game in all combat types (PVE and PVP).

Infinite Lagrange has an overall rating of 4.2 out of 5 on Google Play and 4.3/5 on iOS. Some of the lower-rated reviews are from players that feel the P2P (pay to play) players have a huge advantage over the F2P (free to play) ones.

P2P is in fact present in the game to some extent, you can buy some nice upgrades and features that will give you an advantage over someone that is playing without spending any money.

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the game even as a free-to-play player.

So don’t be worried about that and just try the game out, since it’s pretty spectacular and the base building process is a lot of fun that’s filled with a ton of great features and options.

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About Dan

Dan - Meta Tier ListDan is an avid RPG gamer who finds solace and excitement in the world of virtual adventures. As a fan of berserker characters wielding massive swords, he escapes the monotony of everyday life and channels his frustrations into thrilling quests. In addition to his gaming prowess, Dan enjoys writing gaming guides and staying up to date with the latest industry news. Join him on his epic journeys and tap into the raw power of the berserker.

3 thoughts on “Infinite Lagrange Tier List (May 2024)”

  1. could be improved by the in-depth “why” of each ranking. consider pages for each type old ship- Carriers, BC’s, frigates, etc.


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